Asterisk Zines
building a collection of lil' stars
FEAST 2: One Piece Food Zine
We traveled the Grand line in Feast Volume 1, and now it's time to explore the New World, in our 2nd volume of the Feast Zine!
FEAST: One Piece Food Zine
One Piece Food Fanzine about the various foods of the OP World and their journey!
EMBARK: Hunter x Hunter Travel Zine
Hunter x Hunter fanzine about the journey of the HxH charas and the fun they had exploring the world together!
Asterisk Zines is a team of two artists with a passion for zines and projects!
Current Projects
EMBARK: Hunter x Hunter Travel Zine
FEAST: One Piece Food Zine
Other fandoms we're interested
Attack on TitanJujutsu KaisenFire EmblemMy Hero AcademiaOne Piece
Fullmetal AlchemistGintamaPhoenix WrightHaikyuuBleach+ More!
What is a zine?
The word 'zine' is short for 'fanzine' or 'fan magazine'. It's essentially a collection of works (art, writing, cosplay etc.) that is centered around some fandom theme or original concept. They are made out of the interests and passions of fans and media creators.
Who runs Asterisk Zines?
Catsudon and Dewream - go check out our mod bios!
I'm new to zines! What does [] mean?
Interest Check: A survey or form which helps us determine what will be in zine and know if anyone is interested in the project!
Pinch Hitter: Usually an optional tick box seen in contributor application forms. By signing up as a pinch hitter, this means if someone who was chosen as contributor (artist/writer) drops out of the zine, you're happy to take their spot. This does mean you will most likely get less time to complete your piece.
PO: Stands for Preorders
How do I join as a contributor?
If applications are open, we'll have announced it on our social media platforms. All of our current projects will be listed above!
Where can I purchase your zines?
When our store is open, check our store link below and purchase away - thank you for the support!
I couldn't find the answer to my question?
Feel free to shoot us an email or message us on any of our social media below.
Meet the moderators

Mod catsudonnn
Yo! Call me Cat! I like boba~
I'm the more graphically inclined mod on this team and also the one always lacking sleep... I have experience with running several online stores and I table at conventions pretty often. I've been a contributor in 10+ zines and moderated the One Piece Feast zine plus the BNHA Side Quest zine.I'll do my best to make sure that we're on top of the organisation behind the scenes and everything runs smoothly! Plus a lil graphic design goes a long way! ;)
Through Asterisk Zines, I hope to practice my animation (Animation student hehe!), lvl up my graphic design, meet new people and have lots of fun. My goal is to make a high quality product in an organised manner and everything is communicated clearly.

Mod Dewream
Hi! I like drawing and drinking tea~
I'm more on the financial side of the team and the one most likely re-bingeing an anime.
After participating in my first zine, I fell in love with the whole process. From meeting new people to seeing all the amazing creations! I'm always inspired by everyone's passion. I've now been in over 10+ zines (And always on the search for more to join!) and moderated One Piece Feast zine. Besides my involvement in the zine community, I've had experience previously running my own online store and table regularly at conventions.
I aim to organise high quality zines in a timely manner. Bringing fans together, and a smile to their faces, I hope to celebrate our favorite series and the amazing community of creators they share.
Send us a message here!
[email protected]
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